About Us
We are pleased to introduce the Exclusive Omega State-of-the-Art Boutique at One Wathey Square, Frontstreet,
Philipsburg, St. Maarten
Feel free to walk-in for a luxurious shopping experience for all the watch lovers and admirers and avail of our Duty Free prices.
Featured Products in Stock

Buy online, pick up in store
Order Online to make sure your exquisite timepiece is reserved
You can purchase your items online and pick them up at our street store in less than one hour, sometimes even less. Best of all, ordering online and picking up in stores allows you to save on shipping fees and avoid shipping time.
Your order will be held at the store for 7 calendar days. We‘ll send you a reminder email one day before we cancel the order and return the merchandise to the warehouse.
Contact Us
Call or Email us with any Questions
Our Address
1 Wathey Square, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Open hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM — 3:00 PM